Welcome to DRH CGM Data Visualization Tool

Our CGM Data Visualization Tool is currently under development and is being continuously enhanced with new features and functionalities. Designed to empower researchers, clinicians, and individuals with diabetes, our tool offers intuitive visualizations and insightful analytics to explore and understand continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) data effectively. Whether you're analyzing glucose patterns, assessing glycemic control, or evaluating the impact of interventions, our tool provides powerful capabilities to support your research and decision-making process.

Table of Contents

Present Features

Here's an overview of the key features currently available:

  1. Studies Page

    • Displays a list of studies with vanity metrics
  2. Individual Study Page

    • Detailed display of study data.
    • Study details with individual study vanity metrics
    • Study participant data table with comprehensive information
  3. Study Participant View

    • Selecting a participant navigates to a view with three tabs:
      • AGP (Ambulatory Glucose Profile)
      • AGP Plus
      • All Metrics
    • Basic information about the participant is also displayed


Displays the following information:

  • CGM data start and end date.
  • Time CGM was active.
  • The number of days CGM was worn.
  • Mean glucose.
  • Glucose Management Indicator (GMI).
  • Glucose variability.
  • Time in Range (TIR) stacked visualization showing TIR, TAR (High, Very High), TBR (Low, Very Low), etc.
  • Ambulatory Glucose Profile (AGP).

AGP Plus Tab

Includes all information from the AGP tab plus:

  • Glucose Risk Index (GRI).

All Metrics Tab

Displays all metrics.


  • Stay Updated: Keep an eye on our platform for updates and new features as we continue to develop and enhance the tool.
  • Explore Available Features: Take advantage of the features currently available in the tool to analyze your CGM data and gain valuable insights.
  • Provide Feedback: We value your feedback and welcome suggestions for improvement. If you encounter any issues, have ideas for new features, or simply want to share your experience with the tool, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Your input is essential in shaping the future development of our tool.

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